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Content page analysis

The reason I’ve chosen to base my magazine around rock culture because, it’s an uncommon genre of music to listen to. Not only do I enjoy rock/alternative music, I also like that fact that not many people are familiar to the bands I listen to, therefore their authentic image remain changed and uncommon. Despite the fact the magazines I’ve researched aren’t the type I plan to base my mine around, I have a better idea of what formats look best with certain colour schemes.


In one of the ‘Q Magazines’ I researched, I was interested in the emphasis of live music and backstage themes. I also like that fact that in the ‘Mojo’ magazine, the writing in the contents page follows her figure as well as the fact that there is only one image which adds to the simplicity (along with the colour scheme).  I’ve chosen not to base my background in a sunny area, but instead an urban area or a stage background due to the fact in going to a few concerts in the next few months.





I aim to photograph a person with tattoos and piercings to represent the rock culture and a daring attitude.  I plan to use a black, white, grey and red as they are dark and bold colours that can be perceived to be mysterious. I will have two sections for my contents page: one numbering the pages (including description) and another with a picture and a small description of an exclusive interview. This is because it will be simplistic and easy for the readers to navigate. I will also use one picture for my front cover, two for my contents page and one large and one small image from my double-page spread and add a diverse setting to each page I create.


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